My Favorite Weightlifting Exercises

Here are currently my top favorite weightlifting exercises.
1.) Hang clean and press. This is a great exercise to build the upper body. Also expect to see gains in your abs, hips, and calves from the explosive clean portion of the movement. With high reps, this exercise can also be a great conditioning tool.
2.) Military press. This is a great exercise for shoulder and arm strength. When using heavy weight, expect to see gains in upper back and core strength from stabilizing the load overhead.
3.) Bent-over barbell rows. This is a great exercise for grip, upper arm, and back strength. Holding the bent-over position also works the low back and core, as well as the hamstrings and calves. Be careful to watch proper form.
4.) Stiff-legged deadlift.
This variation of the conventional deadlift targets the glutes, hamstrings, and calves. I have also noticed it seems to isolate the lats more. Expect to feel much more solid on your feet. Be careful to watch proper form.
5.) Front squats. Front squats are unbeatable when it comes to biomechanics and total body strength. With high reps, it is a great conditioning tool that with get you out of breath in a hurry. Always do with a spotter and/or in a squat rack with safety bars.
6.) Loaded carries. Doing these regular or unilaterally (the load is held in one hand, offsetting balance and weight distribution) is great to work grip strength and stabilizer muscles. Expect to feel more powerful over your whole body. Loaded carries are also great for wiry strength and conditioning, and doing them will build grit and determination.
These are currently my most fun and useful weighted exercises. Building a great physique, correcting posture and biomechanics, and burning fat is possible simply by getting good at these few exercises.
*Attempt exercises at your own risk.