Arranging the Four Components of Health

In my last post, I explained my four components of health: Repair, Energy Assimilation, Energy Expenditure, & Damage. Unified & balanced, this is what creates a functioning human body. If these components are out of whack, you have a health problem.
I want to introduce two simple ways to arrange these components. First, there is Repair/Energy Assimilation & Damage/Energy Expenditure. In order to have Repair, you must have enough energy & the necessary building materials. In order to have effective Energy Assimilation, you must have Repair to keep everything working properly. Energy Expenditure causes Damage, & Damage causes Energy Expenditure. The second way of pairing the components is as follows: Repair/Damage & Energy Assimilation/Energy Expenditure. To balance the Damage, you must have Repair. To not put on extra weight, Energy Assimilation must be balanced by Energy Expenditure; however, to replenish what was lost by Energy Expenditure, you must have Energy Assimilation.
As you can see, these four distinct components are closely related. You cannot have one without the other, nor can you have more of one & less of another. These elements play a crucial role in your health, & what they mean for healing, diet, muscle building, & weight loss.