Purpose of this Blog

Welcome all! This is my first post on my brand new blog! I shall begin by saying that I am new to this. This experience will be a growing experience for me as well as for you, because I intend to help my fellow humans with the information given via this blog. To begin, I want to evulgate my intentions. I am primarily interested in health and well-being, fitness, and natural remedies. Expect exercise strategies, nutrition tips, home remedies, medical topics, and the occasional self-improvement tip. I will provide quality information for my reader’s well-being, betterment, and enjoyment.
Also, I want to explain how I am going to write this blog. Most of my posts will be derived from my personal experiences along my journey to health, as well as my opinions and what I learn from personal learning, school, and experience.
My first and foremost goal is to foster a healthy community by sharing knowledge that I have picked up from my own research and experimentation. I have learned a lot by trial and error, and have sifted through tons of information for the past 8 years. The articles will be my effort to provide you with complete information that I have pieced together so that you do not have to sort through it.
Second, I want to make people aware of the benefits of natural or alternative healing. This involves viewing the body as a whole, integrated system with multiple aspects affecting health.
Third, I want to provide non-confusing exercise and diet advice to help you sort through all the misinformation that may be out there. Needless to say, all advice and information should be taken at the reader’s own discretion. I will be writing general advice on a broad range of topics, as well as being transparent as to my own regimen that I am ever tweaking. I suspect that my astute readers can infer what information would be beneficial to them.
Look for new topics, practical advice, and exciting information you can implement into your lives. Check back often as this site continues to grow!